The National Perinatal Association promotes evidence-based practices in perinatal care.
We collaborate on interdisciplinary position statements, guidelines, recommendations, and publications.
Then we host conferences, convene summits, and produce media to share what we've learned with our community.

We partner with the members of our communities who are most in need of advocacy and support.
We meet with them, listen to them, learn from them, and embrace their leadership capacities.
Then we work together to improve outcomes - and ensure justice for pregnant people, infants, and families.

We've read the research. We know the evidence. And we know what works.
NPA doesn't seek to replicate the work of other researchers, advocates, organizations, or individuals.
Instead, our mission is to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration so that ALL of US can benefit from each other's experience and expertise.
Interdisciplinary Guidelines and Recommendations for NICU Discharge Preparation and Transition Planning
published in the Journal of Perinatology
Volume 42 | Supplement 1
February 15, 2022
How We Define the Perinatal Period
Programs and Initiatives
Our programs and initiatives bring together individuals and organizations with a shared purpose to give voice to the needs of pregnant people, infants, their families, and their healthcare providers. We believe that by working together collectively, we can have a greater positive impact on perinatal care than if we work alone.
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