Submit a poster for NPA's May 2024 Interdisciplinary Conference
Towards Trauma-Responsive Perinatal Care
We all experience trauma at some point in our lives. Whether it be physical or emotional, personal or shared, discrete or insidious, trauma plays a major role in shaping how we perceive and respond to the world around us.
For some, it can be a transient, brutal event that alters their way of life. For others, it may be more insidious, manifesting itself as the product of generational violence and oppression.
If the last few years have taught the medical community anything, it's that we must move beyond simply acknowledging trauma exists in the lives of our patients and begin actively responding to trauma as part of our care.
There has never been a more important time than the present for providers to begin utilizing trauma-responsive care.
From providers at the bedside of laboring patients and fragile newborns, to those within the clinics and communities trying to provide equitable access and safe spaces for patients and families, trauma-responsive care acknowledges patient agency and respects bodily autonomy in the context of their lived experiences.
This is why we chose “Towards Trauma-Responsive Perinatal Care” as the theme for NPA’s 2024 Annual Conference.
We hope you will join us and be part of this vital evolution.
We are looking for poster presentations that relate to studying this topic or addressing such issues through research, institutional and community-based programs, and public policy.
There are 3 categories for submissions:
Innovative Models of Care
Applied or Basic Research
Public policies or local initiatives developed to address healthcare inequities and disparities
Posters may describe contributions to theory, policy development, program development and evaluation, delivery of services, or research.
We invite you to SHARE YOUR WORK at our May 2024 conference!
READ MORE then send your submission to
If you have questions or need additional guidance, email our 2024 Poster Co-Chairs,
Chavis Patterson, PhD and Pamela Geller, PhD
