NPA is committed to delivering
smart, timely, inclusive, accessible resources
to help educate and support our community.

NICU Discharge Preparation and Transition Planning
Parents whose babies are admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) need support.
Whether their baby’s stay is brief or long, uncomplicated or complex, a NICU stay changes how they care for their infant and how they will parent once they are discharged.
While we know a NICU stay is traumatic for most parents, the consequences of a family’s time spent in the NICU do not need to be negative ones.
Supportive NICU teams can use the time a family is in the NICU to engage in a well-designed discharge preparation and transition planning program.
These programs can have a lasting positive impact on both the infant’s health and the family’s wellbeing.
We thank our partners at
AngelEye Health for their exclusive partnership supporting the implementation of these essential guidelines.

As our community faces a new and novel virus we need to be prepared - not just for the virus but for people's anxieties and fears.
One of the most important things we can do as providers and advocates is to empower people with information.
When we all have the facts it's easier for us to make informed decisions.

Mental Health
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) are common - and treatable.
NPA partners with other organizations to promote awareness, advocate for positive interventions, and inspire hope. LEARN MORE.

Breastfeeding Awareness
No matter how you do it...
nursing, pumping, hand expressing, breastfeeding, chestfeeding, body feeding, on your own, with support, with the help of a donor, for one day, or one year, or maybe longer...
and especially when you make the choice that is best for you and your baby.

RSV Awareness
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is one version of the common cold.
For most healthy children and adults it causes a slight cough, nasal congestion, and mild fever.
But for babies that were born prematurely or have certain health conditions, RSV can be much more serious.

Perinatal Substance Use
NPA cares about pregnant and parenting people who may be substance dependent and their babies.
We believe that by working together we can improve the standard of care for these families and effect better outcomes.

Clinical Guidance
Complex problems require interdisciplinary solutions.
NPA guidelines and recommendations offer comprehensive resources to support the best in evidence-based care.